Paul received his civil engineering degree, then obtained an M.Sc. in Water Resources Engineering, followed by a Ph.D. in Water Resources. His doctoral research was titled “Towards the Improvement of Machine Learning Flash Flood Forecasting by Exploiting Ground- and Satellite-based Precipitation Data: A Feature Engineering Approach.” This research was notable for its applied science and innovation.

Paul is currently a postdoctoral researcher, focusing on developing multidisciplinary AI applications fro Watwer and Climate. He is a selected member of the Young Scientists Programme from Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) in China. Additionally, he has received several prestigious scholarships, including the VLIR-UOS Award Scholarship to study in Belgium and a doctoral research grant from the German Academic Exchange Service. In 2021, Paul was honoured with an Outstanding Researcher Award from the Universidad de Cuenca in Ecuador.

His research interests encompass the use of artificial intelligence for real-time hydrological applications, such as flood and drought forecasting, the utilization of remote sensing products for obtaining reliable precipitation data, and the evaluation of high-resolution technologies for precise precipitation estimation.