Sebastian Hendrik STERL

Sebastian Hendrik STERL

Prof. dr. Sebastian Sterl works as energy analyst at the Directorate-General for Energy (DG Energy) of the European Commission in Brussels. He focuses on conducting analyses on clean energy transition planning and how it can be harmonised with the need for economic prosperity and industrial competitiveness.

Next to that, he holds a 10% position as professor in Energy Meteorology at the VUB.

Prior to his current roles, Sebastian worked at the World Resources Institute (WRI) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (2022-2024), and at the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in Bonn, Germany (2020-2022). In these roles, he specialised in capacity building on energy modelling with ministries and government agencies across the African continent to support the clean energy transition.

In particular, he was responsible for coordinating the design of the SPLAT-Africa model supporting the African Continental Power Systems Masterplan (CMP), implemented by the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) and supported by the European Union Global Technical Assistance Facility (EU GTAF), as well as the implementation of a corresponding capacity building programme in energy modelling involving all African Power Pools.

He has also worked in various consultancy roles, among others for the World Bank and for GIZ.

His work experience encompasses roles as researcher, modeler & project manager in a range of fields: renewable energy, energy systems, renewables' grid integration, energy meteorology, energy/climate policy, emissions modeling, and NDC enhancement.

Sebastian holds a PhD degree in Engineering Science (VUB) and Geography (KU Leuven). He also holds a Master's degree in Applied Physics (University of Twente, Netherlands).

In his free time, Sebastian enjoys playing guitar, writing poetry, and road cycling.
